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...feeling exhausted for crossing your boundaries - AGAIN?  

...taking on too much - because you just couldn't say NO? 

...stuttering setting your boundaries - only to find nobody taking them seriously? 

Have you ever experienced....


We've ALL been there.
Especially us women. 


if you fully Owned your Space?

Reclaiming your boundaries 

90 minute immersive Masterclass experience  (October 13, 20.00 CEST)

This will be an intimate, interactive experience in sisterhood,

where you will: 

Shift your relationship with boundaries forever 

Begin to unravel why you have not been able to have proper boundaries in place

(hint: it's not your fault) 

Learn why it is crucial to intimately KNOW your boundaries - and how to get started

Learn what it means to EMBODY your boundaries  - and how to get started with embodiment 

Learn the tools how to OWN and hold your boundaries to the outside world 

Experience these shifts in sisterhood with women on the same path 


I will gift you worksheets that will guide you through the exact process to deeply know, embody and own  your boundaries, to use and re-use whenever you like

Experiences from previous classes 

"All those things your heart so deeply desires, 

can only come flowing into your life, after  you learn to powerfully say NO -

to all those things you don't desire." 



Women's coach, psychologist & healer

Is this experience for you?

You're a woman who wants to get to know herself better...

You're a woman who wants to start taking ownership of her own life and her own space 

You're a woman who is eager and READY to shift her relationship with boundaries and ready to act on the tools she will be given 

You're a woman who is ready to uplevel!!! ðŸ”¥

Sign me up!

Yes, I'm ready for this!!

I'm so excited to have you on board! 

Our time together will be an intimate and interactive experience with limited seats - so don't wait to jump in! Doors will be closing at October 12, 23:59 CEST. 


And don't forget: mark your calendar for October 13th, 20:00 CEST!!!

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This is a PayPal option ONLY (PayPal works with all major creditcards).


If you do not have a PayPal you can secure your seat by transferring  €56 to: 


my Rumia 

Javaplantsoen 20H 

1095CS Amsterdam 

Bank: NL61 KNAB 0259 3295 68



Please be sure to mention to your email-address in the payment reference and let me know at if you wish to receive and invoice. 



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